The EIP project was presented at the NSF Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice Symposium
The EIP project was presented at the NSF Envisioning the Future of Undergraduate STEM Education: Research and Practice Symposium 2016.
More →Apply for an award for: ASPIRATIONS IN COMPUTING
Apply for an award for: ASPIRATIONS IN COMPUTING Awards for high school female students active and interested in computing and technology. Last year Natalia Pacheco, from the University of Puerto Rico High School (UHS), won one of the National Awards. Participate! DEADLINE: October 26, 2015 (8:00 pm) Learn more about the awards in FOR TEACHERS: Ideas on how to write a letter of recommendation here Solicita para uno de los premios por “ASPIRATIONS IN COMPUTING” Los premios son para chicas estudiantes de escuela superior que estén activas e interesadas en computación y tecnología. El año pasado Natalia Pacheco, de la Escuela Superior de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UHS), ganó uno de los premios a niverl de Estados Unidos. ¡Participa! FECHA LIMITE: 26 de octubre de 2015 (8:00 pm) Puedes obtener más información sobre los premios en PARA MAESTROS: Ideas de cómo escribir una carta de recomendación aquí
The EIP project was presented in the 11th International Computing Education Research conference 2015
The partial results of this work was presented in the 11th International Computing Education Research conference 2015.
More →Qt Workshop
A workshop to introduce students to GUI programming with Qt was given today March 18, 2015 by the undergraduate students that work for the EIP project, Roxana Gonzalez, Luis Albertorio y Alejandro Sanchez.
More →Poster EIP: laboratory experiences for the introduction to programming course
Poster EIP: laboratory experiences for the introduction to programming course
More →Introduction to GUI Programming with QT
Introduction to GUI Programming with QT By: Jonathan Vélez February 12, 2014 11:30 AM Natural Science Faculty Room: C-356
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